I love learning! Life is much more interesting if you are actually interested. I also love teaching— been teaching ever since my baby sister was born when I was two. As I got older I discovered that the best way to muster enough self-discipline to keep learning complex new skills was to commit myself to teaching someone else. Nothing like a commitment to someone else to keep me going! I've been teaching oil painting since 1998. Working with my students has been a real blessing. I love to see their excitement when they learn something new. It isn't just the personal gratification that keeps me going though. Sometimes I surprise myself by what come out of my mouth when a student asks me a particularly challenging question. I find myself expressing opinions that I never knew I had. I learn a lot about myself in those moments. Verbalizing my thought and opinions make them more real, and more specific.
I thought you might enjoy seeing this painting I did of me and my sister from on old black and white photo from my parents’ photo collection.
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